Monotropism, Learning and Flow State

Reframing Autism - Monotropism and Learning

Autistic people are often ‘monotropic’. Monotropic minds tend to have their attention pulled more strongly towards a smaller number of interests at any given time, leaving fewer resources for other processes.

When Autism was first described in the 1940s, that description noted the singular and intense focus of Autistic individuals. This characteristic of Autistic processing is captured in the current diagnostic manuals (such as the DSM-5) as “highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus.”

But how do we understand what have been termed “restricted interests” without the pathologising or deficits-based frame of the DSM-5? In 2005, Autistic researcher Dinah Murray and colleagues conceptualised a core characteristic of Autism as “monotropism”, which can explain key cognitive processing differences between Autistics and non-autistics. In essence, monotropism is a distinct approach to attention, often preferred by Autistics, which explains our fluctuating attention intensity based on individual interests and motivation levels.

Many of us Autists have experienced monotropism, yet struggled to articulate it. In layman’s terms, we have focused, heightened concentration on particular interests, while disregarding all other stimuli in our surroundings.

Like so many Autistic characteristics, much of how we understand monotropism is framed by the experiences of Autistic children, and monotropism has often been described by how others observe our monotropic state, rather than how we experience that state.

Of course, monotropism is not limited to childhood and continues to manifest in Autistic individuals throughout life, offering certain benefits to our daily functioning.

Indeed, monotropism can play a crucial role in reshaping the perception of Autistic characteristics that have so often been labelled as “limited, narrow, fixated, and repetitive interests”, and requiring intervention from educators and therapists. Monotropism is an integral aspect of the Autistic identity, and the states of monotropic flow hold immense potential for expanding knowledge, acquiring new abilities, and fostering creativity. By embracing monotropism, we acknowledge and appreciate the value of neurodiversity.

The interest model of Autism

The ‘interests’ model of monotropism is a strengths-based approach to explain how we engage and interact with our interests. This model emphasises the advantages that can arise from having a few focused interests.

Attention can be likened to a dark tunnel, with our focus acting as the beam of light illuminating the path.

Non-autistic people often possess a broad attention span, allowing their focus to be dispersed and encompass a wider range (colloquially, this is the ability to “multitask”). This dispersed focus enables many non-autistics to absorb disparate visual and other sensory information and simultaneously hold multiple interests in their mind, a phenomenon referred to as polytropism.

Due to the abundance of information occupying their polytropic attention, non-autistics typically exhibit less concern for acquiring intricate details about a specific subject and are less emotionally invested in these interests, when compared to monotropic Autistic people. Moreover, they possess the capability to transition between different interests during a conversation, drawing from numerous sources of long-term and working memory.

On the other hand, for Autistic people, this attention tunnel is often significantly narrower, shining brightly on a specific point while leaving everything else in the dark.

Our Autistic intense focus on one interest, which might be highly specific, can make it challenging to shift attention , or to switch between different interests, even during conversations. For example, an Autistic monotropic thinker may find it difficult to transition from discussing a niche topic (such as how an engine works) to a more surface-level topic (such as cars). Such difficulty in  switching attention between interests, concepts, or topics can sometimes lead to us feeling left out or unable to actively engage in the conversation.

For some Autists, we may not know how to respond to a conversation which is constantly evolving and changing, which can induce stress and may prompt us to seek an exit from the conversation. Due to a strong focus on their own interests, some Autistic people may equally find diverting their attention to others involved in the discussion difficult.

This can bring unwanted social attention or exclusion, as others may grow irritated or even shame Autistic people for their singular focus. They might perceive an Autistic person’s ostensible lack of interest in their thoughts as a sign of selfishness, associating it with our “self-absorbed” Autistic nature.

Monotropism may present difficulties in situations that demand quick changes in attention, but it can also be advantageous. As many Autistic people have a strong focus, this can enable efficiently tackling intricate tasks. We can develop significant expertise in our areas of interest. And we can approach problem-solving around our interest with creativity and novelty. Interests can be a source of safety, reliability, and predictability, which are all key factors to consider when reducing anxiety. However, in this state of heightened focus, it can become arduous to pay attention to anything other than the current task, so that engaging in conversations with others or even remembering to have meals, drink water or go to the bathroom are distractors from that focus.

Once the task is completed, Autistic individuals often feel drained and require some time to recuperate. This is a common experience for Autistic individuals, as finding the right balance between involvement and disengagement with special interests can be challenging.

It’s important to note that the struggle to switch attention is not a personal failing or a “deficit”, but rather a processing difference: attention is a limited resource for everyone and Autistic folk are often intentional about how energy for attention is used.

Flow state, “monotropic split” and Autistic burnout

Flow state is a term used to describe the experience of complete absorption in the present moment, often associated with task immersion. Evidence shows a flow state can foster wellbeing.

Instead of learning being an effort, if you are in a flow state, it may feel like a joyful, fluid, meaningful, rejuvenating experience.

For many Autistic monotropic people, their ‘special’ or ‘strong’ interests create flow states.

Whilst monotropic flow can promote wellbeing, it can equally be exhausting for an individual with a monotropic nature to attempt to split their focus among various channels. This may lead to fluctuations in their monotropic flow, causing it to slow down, become ‘stuck’, or prompt individuals to seek alternative methods of self-regulation, exacerbating anxiety.

Some individuals may experience a phenomenon known as a “monotropic split”, which describes the constant need to allocate highly focused (monotropic) attention to various tasks throughout the day, without sufficient time for rest and recuperation. For many Autists, this is unsustainable and can potentially trigger meltdowns or shutdowns, significantly affecting the ability to learn and overall mental wellbeing, perhaps even leading to Autistic burnout.

Read more:
All about Autistic Meltdowns: A Guide For Allies

Monotropic learners may encounter greater difficulty in concentrating on a topic that lacks intrinsic motivation for them. Utilising fidget tools, engaging in doodling, and incorporating movement can all contribute to sustaining a state of flow. Encouraging Autistic people to utilise a monotropic flow state has the potential to enhance concentration, improve learning outcomes, and transform the learning experience into a more pleasurable and less stressful endeavour.

It is important to note that monotropism is a dynamic concept, and what proves effective for one individual may not necessarily yield the same results for another. Additionally, the specific needs of individuals may fluctuate depending on various social, physical, and sensory factors.

Monotropism and AuDHD

Autistics face similar challenges in attention and task demands as individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Both Autistics and individuals with ADHD may struggle with focusing on tasks that do not capture their interest or provide a sense of reward.

People with ADHD may also find it difficult to balance when to engage or disengage with an interest. As such, the monotropism model can be helpful to ADHDers, or Autistic ADHDers (AuDHDers) in explaining how their experiences with executive functioning may overlap.

Executive functioning and Autistic inertia

Executive function is the brain’s high-order mental processes, including planning, organising, and task completion. Differences in executive functioning are commonly seen in neurodivergent individuals, including Autistic people and those with ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions. For the Autistic community, the term “autistic inertia” is an important factor in understanding our executive functioning.

Autistic inertia goes beyond executive functioning differences, and involves a significant preference (for some, a need) for remaining in a current state (sensory, cognitive, etc.), making tasks like starting, stopping, or shifting focus seem insurmountable. Autistic inertia and monotropism are intimately connected, since monotropic minds find it challenging to redirect attention, often exacerbating (or being exacerbated by) Autistic inertia.

Monotropism and learning

Monotropic individuals possess distinct sensory, social, and communication requirements in contrast to polytropic individuals, because of the way we deploy our attention resources. Beardon (2017) emphasises the significance of the environment in the utilisation of attention resources in  his equation ‘Autism + Environment = Outcome.’

Fergus Murray of the Scottish Autism Research group highlights the importance of the environment:

“In the right environment, Autistic people might enter this (flow) state of intense absorption many times on any given day – but few schools and workplaces are designed to accommodate that! It is also something that many parents fail to understand, so Autistic people are often wrenched out of their attention tunnels constantly – an experience that can be intensely unpleasant and disruptive, taking the place of something that could be relaxing and restorative.”

For example, a research study focusing on young Autistic students in educational settings revealed that Autistic children struggle to focus on repetitive learning activities, since these are often uninteresting, demotivating, and removed from a child’s passion or area of monotropic focus.

Monotropic adults in work settings may find it challenging to focus on tasks in a noisy or hectic environment. While being engrossed in interests allows an Autistic person to block out external noises and work more efficiently than non-autistic people, feeling fatigued or working on unfulfilling tasks can easily disrupt concentration. Even the slightest noise, like a door opening, can divert attention and cause frustration. Setting boundaries on the amount of time and effort that an Autistic person may dedicate to a task can help prevent burnout and minimise distractions.

It is important to remember that monotropism offers specific benefits that can aid Autistic individuals in learning.

Creativity: Autistic individuals who exhibit monotropism often possess exceptional creative abilities, leveraging their intense concentration to produce original and groundbreaking artwork, music, or literature. This artistic flair is a clear manifestation of their monotropic cognitive approach, enabling them to think outside the box, perceive the world through a unique lens, and establish connections that may elude others.

A unique perspective: Monotropism can provide a unique perspective on the world, as it allows people to deeply immerse themselves in a particular topic or activity. This deep focus can lead to an understanding and knowledge of the subject, as well as unique insights and connections.

Problem solving: Monotropism can also prove advantageous in the realm of problem-solving. Autistic individuals, both children and adults, who exhibit monotropic tendencies may tackle problems in a distinctive manner. By harnessing their unwavering concentration and profound knowledge in a specific subject, they are able to uncover solutions that may have been otherwise obscure or left of field.

Monotropism and social learning

As a monotropic person, it can be challenging to navigate certain neuronormative social situations which more readily match polytropic thinking.

When anyone socialises, we are bombarded with a vast amount of information in a short span of time: verbal and nonverbal cues must be deciphered, sensory information processed, and responses formulated within highly prescribed social rules and norms.  Monotropic Autists may unintentionally overlook or miss some of these details, and there is shared responsibility between communication partners to ensure that monotropism is accounted for and accommodated in communication.

It is important to note that not all social interactions pose challenges for Autistic individuals. Many of us engage in meaningful and enjoyable conversations in our daily lives. For instance, when discussing our passions and areas of expertise, individuals with a monotropic focus can engage in lengthy discussions and possess a vast amount of knowledge on their specific interests.

One study (Heasman & Gillespie, 2019) showed that Autistic children who have the chance to connect with others with similar interests, experienced an increased sense of social connection. Through shared interests, these children experienced heightened enjoyment and active participation with each other, illustrating how Autistic individuals can also find avenues for enjoyable social interaction by exploring novel ways to engage with their interests.

Embracing monotropism

Monotropism is a distinct cognitive style characterised by a strong concentration on specific interests or activities. It provides a unique viewpoint on the world. While it may present challenges, embracing monotropism is essential for fostering a society that is more inclusive and accepting towards neurodivergent individuals.

Educating others about monotropism plays a crucial role in this process. Understanding how monotropism is connected to Autism enables us to comprehend and appreciate the distinct way in which Autistic individuals engage with the world. Moreover, providing accommodations and support that are tailored to address the challenges posed by monotropism creates environments that promote success for monotropic thinkers.

Ultimately, we should celebrate the inherent differences in monotropism.

Recognising and valuing the unique perspectives and insights that monotropism brings enriches our society, fostering diversity and understanding.

Embracing monotropism propels us towards a more compassionate and accommodating world, where differences are not only acknowledged but also celebrated.


Monotropism – An Interest Based Account of Autism (Murray, 2020)

Attention, monotropism and the diagnostic criteria for autism (Murray, Lesser, & Lawson, 2005)

On the ontological status of autism: the ‘double empathy problem’ (Milton, 2012)

Autism, intense interests and support in school: from wasted efforts to shared understandings (Wood, 2021)

Reconsidering autistic ‘camouflaging’ as transactional impression management (Ai, Cunningham, & Lai, 2022)

The passionate mind: How people with Autism learn (Lawson, 2011)

Going with the flow: reconsidering ‘repetitive behaviour’ through the concept of ‘flow states (McDonnell & Milton, 2014)

Flow theory and research (Csikszentmihalyi, 2009)

Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health (Mitchell, Sheppard, & Cassidy, 2021)

Intensity and Variable Attention: Counter Narrating ADHD, from ADHD Deficits to ADHD Difference (Rosqvist et al., 2023)

Neurodivergent intersubjectivity: Distinctive features of how autistic people create shared understanding (Heasman & Gillespie, 2019)

Characterization of Special Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Brief Review and Pilot Study Using the Special Interests Survey (Nowell et al., 2021)


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We are committed to honouring the rich culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this Country, and the diversity and learning opportunities with which they provide us. We extend our gratitude and respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to all Elders past and present, for their wisdom, their resilience, and for helping this Country to heal.

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