(RE)FRAMED Podcast: S1:E13 – with Marshall Buckley-Middleton

(RE)FRAMED PODCAST MARSHALL BUCKLEY-MIDDLETONOur podcast, (RE)FRAMED, has been created to center our stories, share our knowledge and contribute to conversations impacting Autistic people, our community and our children. In our own words, we are framing, and re-framing, our stories!

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(RE)FRAMED Podcast: S1:E13 – with guest Marshall Buckley-Middleton

In our FINAL (RE)FRAMED Review episode with Marshall (hie/hiz), we do our Show Review on the recent iteration of She-Ra: Princess of Power!

Marshall is a neuroqueer, disabled person. Hie is an artist, as well as a cosplayer in hiz spare time – the spare time that isn’t spent consuming pop culture movies, shows and comics. Hie is an avid toy collector, especially of doll lines from hiz youth. Marshall is a regular guest for our (RE)Framed Review bonus episodes, looking at Autistic characters in shows like Monster High!


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Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.

The Reframing Autism team would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we have the privilege to learn, work, and grow. Whilst we gather on many different parts of this Country, the RA team walk on the land of the Awabakal, Birpai, Whadjak, and Wiradjuri peoples.

We are committed to honouring the rich culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this Country, and the diversity and learning opportunities with which they provide us. We extend our gratitude and respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to all Elders past and present, for their wisdom, their resilience, and for helping this Country to heal.

Join us on the journey to reframe how society understands Autism