2024 Community Summit: Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

To ensure that the environment that we create here at the Community Summit is as safe and supportive as possible, we have created a Code of Conduct to guide our interactions with each other. This applies not only to the online discussion forum but also to the Zoom sessions. Please familiarise yourself with these guidelines prior to the Summit. We have both a summary and a more detailed version to try and cater to different communication and learning preferences.  

Whilst the same Code of Conduct applies to both the Zoom sessions and to the online text-based discussion forum then actions that may be taken will be slightly different:  

  • During Zoom sessions throughout the summit (including peer groups) significant breaches of the Code of Conduct such as threats or insults towards presenters, Reframing Autism, support staff or attendees will result in removal from the session without prior warning.  
  • On the online forum if the Code of Conduct is violated, a warning may be issued depending on the severity of the infraction. For more severe infractions or multiple infractions, we may choose to remove the participant from the community to preserve the safety and comfort of others.  

Code of Conduct (Summary version)

If you are familiar with interacting in online spaces this version will hopefully provide all the detail you need. If you are less familiar with interacting in online environments, or are not sure what a particular point means, you may also choose to look at the more detailed version below. 

  1. Please avoid discussing sex, politics, or religion, unless these topics specifically relate to something raised during a presentation.  
  2. Please avoid cursing, defamatory language, insults, or threats. No inappropriate screennames or profile pictures. 
  3. Please do not post spam, flashing images or non-sensical posts or impersonate another person. 
  4. Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other prejudice will not be tolerated. 
  5. Use respectful, neuroaffirming language but also avoid telling an Autistic person what language they should use to refer to themselves. 
  6. Please avoid discussing COVID-19 and vaccination. 
  7. Please don’t share information that isn’t yours to share, without explicit and informed consent from the relevant parties.See Chatham House Rules 
  8. For privacy reasons copying or taking screen shots of discussions is not allowed (Resource links are okay). 
  9. The online text-based forum includes spaces specifically targeted to members of marginalised or intersectional communities. Please only join, read, post and comment in these communities if you personally identify as part of them. 
  10. Avoid describing any instances of abuse, mistreatment or discrimination in detail and advise when bringing up highly triggering topics such as eating disorders or self-harm. However, do not expect others to know or flag everything that someone could potentially find triggering. 
  11. Please give each other the benefit of the doubt when there are disagreements. Remember, all Autistics communicate differently. 
  12. Please do not give clinical, medical or legal advice, and avoid giving more general advice unless someone has explicitly requested it.  
  13. Please try to explain any acronyms you use and to avoid jargon or slang that might make it harder for others to engage. 
  14. Please do not use this forum for advertising and promotional purposes without the prior permission of Reframing Autism or use this forum to disparage organisations or providers.
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Code of Conduct (More detailed version)

1. Please avoid discussing sex, politics, or religion, unless these topics specifically relate to something raised during a presentation. These are subjects that can be triggering and divisive. 

2. Please avoid cursing (unless it is a direct quote), defamatory language, insults, or threats, including any directed at our moderating team. Inappropriate screennames or profile pictures are also not allowed. 

3. Please do not post spam, flashing images or non-sensical posts which makes it difficult for those wishing to respectfully engage to do so or cause confusion by impersonating another person, including moderators and members of Reframing Autism staff. 

4. The vast majority of the Autistic community is intersectional. Therefore sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other prejudice will not be tolerated. 

5. We ask that you use respectful, neuroaffirming language, especially when speaking about Autistic members of your family. Please note that a large proportion of the attendees on this discussion forum are Autistic themselves, so please bear this in mind. However, please also avoid telling an Autistic person what language they should use to refer to themselves. 

6. Please avoid discussing COVID-19 and vaccination. These topics can be anxiety producing for many people and it would be ideal to avoid them here. 

7. Whilst we welcome you speaking about your own journey and experiences, please don’t share information that isn’t yours to share, without explicit and informed consent from the relevant parties. To the extent that something personal is discussed, we use Chatham House Rules 

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8. This forum is intended to be a private place for people to share during the Community Summit, copying or taking screen shots of discussions is not allowed. Copying links to resources is okay. 

9. The online text-based discussion forum includes spaces specifically targeted to members of marginalised or intersectional communities within the broader autism community. Please only join, read, post and comment in these communities if you personally identify as part of them (e.g. it is not appropriate for non-autistic people to participate in Autistic-only spaces even if they are clinicians who specialise with working with that community).  

10. Difficult topics and experiences may come up during the discussions – particularly the wellbeing theme. While sharing experiences is welcome, attendees are encouraged not to describe in detail instances of abuse, mistreatment or discrimination they or their Autistic loved one may have experienced and to advise when they wish to bring up highly triggering topics such as eating disorders or incidences of self-harm. However, also please do not expect others to know or flag everything that someone could potentially find triggering (large dogs, job interviews, books by a particular author etc.). 

11. Please give each other the benefit of the doubt when there are disagreements. That means that we extend each other the courtesy of disagreeing respectfully, rather than assuming – or adopting – an aggressive or malicious tone. Remember, all Autistics communicate differently and although a communication style that differs from your own may sometimes feel uncomfortable, Autistic messages (in the various ways we might deliver them) are rarely given with intent to offend. If a disagreement escalates, or you perceive aggression in an interaction with a peer, please tag a moderator or facilitator. 

12. Please remember that people often want to share their experiences to feel understood and heard. Please do not give clinical, medical or legal advice, and avoid giving more general advice unless someone has explicitly requested it.  

13. Everyone is coming into this community with a different set of existing experiences and knowledge, so please try to explain any acronyms you use and to avoid jargon or slang that might make it harder for others to engage. 

14. Please do not use this forum to advertise and promote products, services, events, fundraisers or recruitment for research studies without the prior permission of Reframing Autism or use this forum to disparage organisations or providers – any such messages will be removed by our team. 

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Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.

The Reframing Autism team would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we have the privilege to learn, work, and grow. Whilst we gather on many different parts of this Country, the RA team walk on the land of the Amangu, Awabakal, Bindjareb, Birpai, Whadjak, Wiradjuri and Yugambeh peoples.

We are committed to honouring the rich culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this Country, and the diversity and learning opportunities with which they provide us. We extend our gratitude and respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to all Elders past and present, for their wisdom, their resilience, and for helping this Country to heal.

Join us on the journey to reframe how society understands Autism